Yeditepe Treatment is taking a very important step for bringing the best engineering solutions to its customers,
and provide the best installation and management costs.
Anaerobic treatment is a natural process that converts biomass to energy.
Biomass is any organic material that comes from pollutants present in the wastewater. Anaerobic treatment has been used for over 100 years
to stabilize municipal sewage and a wide variety of industrial wastes. Over the past 25 years, anaerobic digestion processes have been developed
and applied to a wide array of industrial wastewater treatment and also wastes. It is preferred when the wastewater contains high amount of carbon
based pollutants since it produces, rather than consumes, energy and can be carried out in relatively small, enclosed tanks. The products of
anaerobic treatment and the bacteria in the reactor have a high value and can be sold to offset treatment costs. Biogas production from organic
materials not only produces energy, but preserves the nutrients, which can be recycled back to the land in the form of a slurry.
Anaerobic treatment is the breakdown of organic material by a microbial population that lives in an oxygen free environment.
Anaerobic means literally "without oxygen". When organic matter is decomposed in an anaerobic environment the bacteria produce a mixture of methane
and carbon dioxide gas. Anaerobic treatment treats wastewater by converting putrid organic materials to carbon dioxide and methane gas.
This gas is referred to as biogas. The biogas can be used to produce both electrical power and heat. The conversion of solids to biogas results in
a much smaller quantity of solids that must be disposed. During the anaerobic treatment process, organic nitrogen compounds are converted to
ammonia, sulfur compounds are converted to hydrogen sulfide, phosphorus to orthophosphates, and calcium, magnesium, and sodium are converted to
a variety of salts. Through proper operation, the inorganic constituents can be converted to a variety of beneficial products. The end products of
anaerobic process are natural gas (methane) for energy production, heat produced from energy production, and treatable or dischargeable wastewater.
Generally, it is used when the raw wastewater is very concentrated and / or seems to be very difficult to treat and it can either be used in combination
by aerobic treatment or as standalone.
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